So You Have Questions?

I’m interested, but is there a way to trial the software?
Yes, there’s a 7 day free trial. You’ll think it’s so easy, you’ll wonder how you ever did Walmart without it.
How long does it take to set up my account and what are the steps?
​5 minutes! Simply pick your plan and then link your WallyLister with your secret key and Walmart ID. After that if you need help, we can jump on a video call and walk you through. Just reach out to if you’d like!
Are the contracts long term or flexible?
Wally is Flexible. We believe you will benefit so much from it that you can sign up monthly and cancel anytime, or sign up for a year and get a discount! You can change your subscription at anytime.
Does WallyLister list all inventory, FBM and WFS?
No - WallyLister will only List WFS listings.
Do I need to list WFS over FBM?
We recommend WFS to get more of the buy box and increase margin. If you’d like to fulfill yourself, you can list directly to Walmart, or use WallyLister to create your WFS listing and simply change to Merchant fulfilled after. Either way, the WallyLister creation is 10x simpler.
Will I need to download anything to use the tools in WallyLister?
The only thing you could download is if you want to list and label your items with a different UPC. Then download QZ Tray to print labels directly from a Zebra Printer.
What if I have multiple staff members or users that I want to be able to login?
No problem, you can have multiple users to easily track and see performance by each user.
Will I need extra equipment to use WallyLister?
Our users typically utilize simple 2d barcode scanners. Here’s the most common one our team uses.
Does WallyLister bring over my existing inventory automatically?
WallyLister does not report on your existing catalog. If you add a UPC that’s currently in your catalog, WallyLister will show the status but it does not pull for your entire inventory to be displayed. We push and make it super quick so your listings get published & converted.
What if I get stuck? Does WallyLister have customer support?
We sure do! You can open a support ticket or simply email to and Wally will respond lightning fast. ​